So many appointments, here and there. We try to schedule N's during B's preschool,
however it doesn't always work out that way...
Allergy appointments tend to take hours. I'm not kidding.
We have learned to pack many books and break out the portable DVD to play while I talk with the doctor. The kids have done great.
What have we learned so far? Well, NO NUTS, none... end of discussion.
No eggs (whites or yolks), which also means no flu shot... oh wait. I thought I was being a good mom and I already got him the flu shot. Oops...I must be *that mom.* (He did not have a reaction, but next year we need to have him allergy tested for the shot before giving it to him... uh, good to know.)
No *rolling in the hay.* This is a new one. Grass. No mowing the lawn, too!
What a great excuse he has when he is a teenager!
I am doing oral introductions with soybean, oats, and barley at home. We are doing oral introductions of almond and sunflower seed in the doctor's office. I hope they all go well, so we can have barley soup on cold winter nights and almond butter sandwiches on picnics.
How do I keep this straight? I have no idea.