Friday, October 2, 2009

loud, messy, expensive

...these are my three least favorite things {unless it is a fun messy}.  Today we are getting a new roof.  
I feel like such an adult.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow!What you guys do tohave fun.

    Next thing to check around for is roofing nails.A couple of journies around the house can help prevent sore feet and flat tires. Make it a treasure hunt and the kids will have a blast and really nail this topic down.

    We got dumped on today with constant rain now changing to that white stuff. So the morning should be all white.

    Mom played the piano for the Evanston church today. It was nice to see old friends and fellowship following the service. Of course Wall-Mart was the next stop, then home.

    Both of us are doing well and send our loves and hugs to "yuall".Lee and Carol


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