Thursday, April 28, 2011

our little star

it was N's turn to be star of the week at preschool.  it wasn't as involved compared to when B was the star.  we made cookies and brought milk for their treat {per N's request} and i was his special guest to read his favorite book.  lucky me... it wasn't just any book, it was a song book, so i had the honor of singing the entire book to his whole class {and i'm not a singer mind you}... but there isn't anything i wouldn't do for my guy.  
now we're off to the zoo today {for b's field trip and we are letting the star of the week skip school... shhh!}
enjoy the rest of your week!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

a bit more easter

i totally failed to mention, we dyed easter eggs for the first time this year, too.  yes, we have never dyed eggs with the kids.  what the?!  
 ready, set... now it is time for some fun!

 after we decorated eggs we played around for a while and then decided we should get them in the refrigerator.  since N is allergic to eggs, we don't cook them around here.  when we bought them, he was a little perplexed.  now that they are very cool looking, we talked about how we should keep them cold and i would crack them open and eat them this week.  what?!  N was mortified that i would suggest such a thing.  you will crack them and eat them?  then he huddled them up, like he was going to protect his little eggs.  this is all our fault as parents.  we very rarely eat meat, so the thought of eating these beautiful eggs was a bit much.  it was funny.  i still will eat them, just in secret.  shh!  don't tell him!

B & N also painted their gifts from the easter bunny - it was a fun day.

easter week

we had a fun and crazy week... egg hunts, school parties, cookie decorating party, easter dinner.

 N and his buddy T at Preschool
 B ready for the hunt... we hid 200+ eggs for her little class
 cookie decorating with 13 kids at our house...
 Easter dinner at our house with three other families.  
 the kids hunted for eggs inside after dinner.  it rained all weekend.
 this sums it up nicely... it was total mayhem and fun.  i would do it again in a second.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring soccer

new sport for spring... b loves soccer.  

 she gets after it.
 playing co-ed.
 tough stuff... she even blocked a goal.  
end of game celebration through the tunnel of their biggest fans.
we love our little soccer star.
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